Contactless Retail with Vision Intelligence Enabled by Microsoft and Qualcomm

Learn how contactless self-checkout solutions at retail stores can ensure staff and consumer safety.

The future of AI-inspired, feature-rich smart vision solutions is here. With a strong focus on visual content, cameras have become a critical part of a wide variety of intelligent IoT devices across applications including retail, medical, home automation, industrial automation, machine vision, smart displays, security, and surveillance. eInfochips has developed an intelligent checkout assistant that enables quick, hassle free check out, leveraging the AI Vision Kit with an object recognition model deployed and trained via the cloud using Azure ML.

Microsoft, Qualcomm and eInfochips have created the AI focused vision developer kit (a.k.a. AI Vision Kit) in partnership for vision AI solutions across multiple industries. This kit comprises of a camera-based device that combines IoT, edge, and AI from Microsoft with Qualcomm Vision Intelligence 300 Platform and the Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK for AI on-device edge computing.

Attendees will learn:
About the AI Vision Kit capabilities and how to get started
How to leverage Azure IoT for edge and cloud solutions
Quick start guidance for connectivity to Azure IoT Hub
How to train models in the cloud with Microsoft Azure and push models to the edge


Learn more about the Vision AI Developer Kit.

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