EV Charging
Webinar Series

The Evolution of EV-Charging

ARROW and his partners will host webinar series starting 4th of Feb 2021 showcasing the full solution landscape from Hardware to Cloud, guiding you into the smart world of EV-Charging.

The event series will focus on three topic areas:

Current Sensing and Metering in EV Charging – Webinar 1

  • EV-Charging is moving from niche market towards mass market at a fast pace, with increasing awareness for measurement accuracy and safety
  • Design for complying with unsettled standards across various countries, to have a solution for many years ahead is nothing but a huge challenge.
  • Learn from our industry experts how to take on those challenges

Cloud Based Charging and enabling V2G - Webinar 2

  • Onboarding IoT devices into cloud services has been in the focus for the electronic industry for the last couple years. Securing payments, accuracy of the meter and sensitive end customer information are just some challenges to overcome.
  • AI in the cloud we enable public and commercial charge point provides to maximize benefits and leverage information towards a more tailored user experience, as well as streamline grid utilization
  • While V2G is not a part of our immediate future, solutions must be designed considering it, as well as the implications around it
  • Join us in this event and learn how to leverage our solutions solving those long term and immediate needs!

Power Electronics in EV Charging – Webinar 3

  • Successful solutions for high power DC Charging, which directly convert AC to DC and bypassing the vehicles On Board Charger, requires stringent power electronic design.
  • Balancing between various design goals such as reducing losses, increasing power density, while meeting cost targets and time schedules is close to an art, especially in high power applications
  • Emerging technologies like SiC and GAN are at the boarder to reach mass market adaption and adding complexity in making the right discussion for the designing a power conversion stage for EV-Chargers
  • Learn from our interdisciplinary group of experts, which innovations and design patterns help you to be successful!

This free to attend event is aimed at those interested in the future of EV-Charging. Offering insights, latest updates and expert views on cord sets, AC-Wall-Box-Chargers as well as DC-Fast Chargers. Providing attendees with an update on the latest trends, developments, and solutions for EV-Charging. This webinar is target for:

  • EV Charging manufactures / designers
  • Automotive OEMs
  • Commercial / Transportation xEV OEMs
  • Energy Grid Providers
  • Smart Cities
  • Standard bodies and key influencers for EV Charging
  • Media and trade press


Webinar Date Session Topic Speakers & Moderators
Webinar 1:
Current Sensing and Metering in EV Charging
Thursday 4th February
14:00 - 15:30 CET
Public DC-Charging in Germany - Legislative Background & Certified DC-Metering ISABELLENHÜTTE
Latest technology for EV charging to address the needs of certified accuracy, security and safety NXP
DCCT integrated sensors FG series according to IEC 62955 and 62752 KEMET
Panel Session with Q&A
Summary & Close  
Webinar 2:
Cloud Based Charging and enabling V2G
Thursday 11th February
14:00 - 15:30 CET
Azure Ecosystem for Cloud connected EV Charger Solutions based on NXP processors MICROSOFT AZURE
Enabling Cloud Connectivity for remote device management - covering data exchange, security and cloud dashboard functionality for EVSE NXP
Arrow IoT ecosystem for EV Charging ARROW
Panel Session with Q&A
Summary & Close  
Webinar 3:
Power Electronics in EV Charging
Thursday 18th February
14:00 - 15:30 CET
Power Semiconductor selection guidance for EV Chargers ON SEMICONDUCTOR
Trends in passive components at KEMET for size and cost optimization of EV charging systems KEMET
Interconnection Solutions for Power Conversion and Distribution in EV Charging AMPHENOL
Panel Session with Q&A
Summary & Close  




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