CUI Devices
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USB Type C and USB 3.1 Gen 2 – Clarifying the Connection
The USB Type C connector includes many feature enhancements over previous USB connector standards. This paper helps engineers understanding these improvements, so they can utilize this connector and the various signal specifications in the proper manner to boost performance in their design with CUI’s leading USB connectors.
Important Decisions when Selecting a Fan for Forced Air Cooling
The right thermal management design will keep your system cool, calm, and operating. For most systems, this will require some form of forced air cooling and invariably, a fan. Learn more as CUI explains how to effectively remove heat from your system with a fan design for your specifications.
The Advantages of Capacitive vs. Optical Encoders
CUI, together with Ingvar Andermo, has developed a way to measure rotational movement with ASIC, which detects changes in signal frequency modulated by capacitive reactance. By comparing the technology most frequently used rotary encoders today, CUI has determined that capacitive encoding offers more advantages than its optical encoding counterpart.