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Eine große Revolution in der Instandhaltung: Prädiktive Wartung mit KI/IoT-Anleitung verhindert Ausfallzeiten
Hersteller in allen Branchen wissen, dass eine reibungslose Ausführung der Produktionsausrüstung ohne unerwartete Stopps der Schlüssel zu einer höheren Produktivität ist. Trotzdem treten häufig kurze Stopps auf. Darüber hinaus besteht nach wie vor das Risiko längerer Ausfallzeiten, die durch Reparaturen oder Ersetzung von Teilen verursacht werden.
Embedded AI and Edge Computing Solutions for Smart Industry Applications from ST
The large range of the STM32 family of 32-bit microcontrollers and processors - based on industry-standard Arm® Cortex® cores - combined with the usage of embedded AI libraries and MEMS and sensors with embedded machine learning capabilities offer new degrees of freedom to designers of smart industry applications.
MEMS Oscillators Spread Their Wings
Microelectromechanical system (MEMS) technology is leveraging established process advantages afforded by silicon process technology – low cost, precise operation, small size, among others – to replace older technology in numerous devices: pressure sensors, temperature sensors, accelerometers, gyroscopes, even gas detectors and chemical analyzers. You can even add precision clock generators to that expanding list.
AI for Industrial Applications
Artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT) have become such broad industry buzzwords today that the nebulous nature of the topic can make it very difficult to understand the relevance of it for your specific needs. The immediate thought when you read about these topics is it’s for the big companies with big budgets.