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Ohne Vereinheitlichung rücken Smart Spaces in weite Ferne
Von IoT-Technologien und Smart Spaces wird nicht weniger als die nächste technologische Revolution erwartet. Doch obwohl bereits Milliarden IoT-Geräte existieren, erweist sich die unzureichende Vereinheitlichung dieser Geräte als Hemmschuh für die gesamte Branche. Welchen Herausforderungen müssen IoT-Geräte gerecht werden, welche Lösungen sind sinnvoll und wie können Techniker eingreifen?
Silicon Labs: Opportunities in the intelligent lighting market
Silicon Labs takes a closer look at how it’s possible to use wireless multiprotocol to combine Zigbee with Bluetooth on a single chip for an easier and more varied multi-functional user experience. Learn more about how to design the next level of connected and sustainable lighting.
Q&A: An Overview of Smart Connected Lighting
As the smart connected lighting market steadies itself for a huge consumer push, it’s time to take a closer look at the design challenges facing wireless lighting developers today. Here, Silicon Labs meets those challenges head on with specialized answers to some of the biggest questions facing wireless lighting today.
The Wireless Protocols in the Connected Home
Flying cars may not be zooming into a neighborhood near you any time soon, but the number of connected homes are expected to surge by 2020. This reality ushers in a need for creating a seamless experience for consumers while several protocols run simultaneously in their homes.
Challenges and Opportunities of Industrial IoT Technology
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the culmination of progression by wireless connectivity and sensing, as well as support given by processing, control and power management devices in recent years. The stage is now set for the IoT to start seeing widespread deployment in both consumer and industrial spheres. The following will describe challenges and opportunities of Industrial IoT (IIoT).