Condition-based Monitoring: From Sensors to Deployable Solutions – Keep Factories Running


Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Time: 04:00 PM Central European Summer Time

Duration: 1 hour


This session will provide an overview of Analog Devices CbM solutions such as sensors, precision signal chains, and platforms that enable predictive maintenance of industrial rotating machines in the most challenging environments.

In the second part, Shiratech will introduce the iCOMOX, which is an intelligent Condition Based Monitoring platform for monitoring, analyzing, and reporting machine health in smart industrial applications using advanced AI and ML methods. Three available iCOMOX models offer different types of communication (SmartMesh IP, NB-IoT, and Power over Ethernet) to deliver sensor data, all featuring high and low bandwidth accelerometers, a magnetometer, a microphone, and a thermal sensor.

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Chris Murphy
Staff Applications Engineer | Analog Devices

Guy Zohar
Vice President R&D | Shiratech Solutions

Thomas Müller
Business Development | Shiratech Solutions

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Industry 4.0 Solution Provider

Shiratech are an experienced Industry 4.0 Solution Provider owned by A.Y. Electronics group, an established electronics supply chain management company. We believe that innovative solutions need to be in the hands of the people who aspire to use them. That’s why we create flexible, easy-to-try solutions that enables you to connect your assets with the future. Our vision is to build the digital future with you – as partners.

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