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Modulare FPGA-Lösungen von BittWare, ein Molex-Unternehmen
Entdecken Sie ein umfassendes Angebot an FPGA-PCIe-Boards mit herausragender Entwicklungsproduktivität und unübertroffener Leistung.
Im Blickpunkt:
• FPGA IP-Kern-Design mit Verbindung zu Designintegration und Test
• Formale Projektanalyse und -planung
• Systemarchitektur und Design
• Software-Treiber und APIs, u. a. für Linux, Windows und VxWorks
• Hochgeschwindigkeits-PCB-Design mit performantem analogen und digitalen I/O
• Firmware-Erfahrung, darunter 20 Jahre FPGA-Programmierung und Xilinx-zertifizierte Ingenieure
FPGA-Lösungen von BittWare, ein Molex-Unternehmen
BittWare, ein Molex-Unternehmen bietet eine Vielzahl von Computertechnologien, integrierten Systemen und Software-Expertise auf Platinenebene. Mit seinem kompletten Sortiment an FPGA-PCIe-Platinen bietet BittWare Lösungen auf Basis von Intel (ehemals Altera) und Xilinx. Erfahren Sie, wie BittWare die Möglichkeiten von Molex erweitert, um der steigenden Nachfrage nach FPGA-basierten, leistungsstarken Verarbeitungslösungen in Rechenzentren gerecht zu werden.
Testen Sie BittWare FPGA PCIe-Platinen
über das Arrow-Testprogramm!
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Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie Sie mit den Intel-FPGA-basierten Lösungen von BittWare die Rechenleistung, Vernetzung, Speicherung und Signalverarbeitung beschleunigen können.
Stratix 10 FPGA-Platine mit 16 GB HBM2
Leistungsstarke Lösung zum Beschleunigen der speichergebundenen Anwendungen
Der 520N-MX wurde speziell für eine Beschleunigung der Rechenleistung entworfen und ist eine PCIe-Platine mit Intel’s Stratix 10 MX2100 FPGA mit integriertem HBM2-Speicher. Die Größe und Geschwindigkeit des HBM2 (16 GB bis zu 512 GB/s) ermöglichen eine Beschleunigung der speichergebundenen Anwendungen. Die 100 G QSFP28s der Platine eignen sich ideal zum Clustern, und die OCuLink-Steckverbinder ermöglichen eine Erweiterung.
• Intel Stratix 10 MX2100
• 16 GB HBM2 bis zu 512 GB/s
• BittWare-optimiertes OpenCL BSP
- Intel Stratix 10 MX
- MX2100 in einem F2597-Gehäuse
- 16 GB On-Chip-Speicher mit großer Bandbreite (HBM2) DRAM, 410 GB/s (Geschwindigkeitsgrad 2)
- Kern-Geschwindigkeitsgrad -2: I/O-Geschwindigkeitsgrad -2
- 2 Gbit Flash-Speicher zum Booten von FPGA
- 2 x 288-Pin DIMM Slots mit standardmäßig jeweils 16 GB Modulen, d. h. insgesamt 32 GB onboard (optional bis zu insgesamt 256 GB)
- Direkte x16 Gen3-Schnittstelle zum FPGA, verbunden mit PCIe Hard-IP
- 4 QSFP28-Anschlüsse auf der Frontplatte sind über 16 Transceiver direkt mit dem FPGA verbunden
Empfohlene Artikel und Videos
5G in the Future connected car: How the new mobile standard makes the vision of connected driving become a reality
According to a study by Ericsson, 15 percent of the world’s population will use the new 5G mobile standard by 2020, and the number of 5G subscriptions will break the 500 million mark in 2022. Forecasts also suggest that more than 1 million new mobile broadband subscribers will be added every day within the next six years – thus adding 2.6 billion subscribers by the end of 2022.
Meeting the challenges of automotive electronic modular connectivity, is your connectivity solution ready?
Yesterday’s transportation applications were relatively straightforward. Today, a new technology paradigm is emerging. Vehicle systems are now connected with complex electronics that drive modularization, with a significant increase in the number of engine compartment systems, HMI, radars and cameras that require multiple printed circuit board (PCB) and flex assemblies. These assemblies require connectors with improved signal integrity for speed and robustness in harsh environments. The latest move in the market is toward integrated, connected sensors, and the need for interconnectivity is creating a massive opportunity for suppliers.
Three Design Challenges Solved by MultiCat™ Power Connectors
Engineers often find themselves choosing between high-power connectors that don’t offer all the features that would be ideal for their designs and are forced to compromise as a result. For instance, if they can’t find a connector that delivers the required current rating in a small package, engineers may settle for a high-current connector that increases their design’s size.
RJ45 Products and the Internet of Things
Registered Jack (RJ) products have come a long way since the 1970s, when they were used primarily for connecting to telephone networks. As technology advanced, RJ45s took on the task of transmitting data. As demand grew for greater data transfers at faster speeds, RJ45 products needed to change to remain relevant in the industry. This led to the creation of magnetic connectors and ports, which include internal magnets to help filter signals and allow for higher speeds.
PCIe FPGA Platine Intel Stratix 10 FPGA mit 4x QSFPs und 32-GB-DDR4
Mit einer Gleitkommaberechnung mit einfacher Genauigkeit von bis zu 10 TFLOPS ist die 520N eine PCIe-Platine, die über ein Intel Stratix 10 FPGA und vier Blöcke mit externem DDR4-Speicher verfügt.
- Intel Stratix 10 GX 2800
- 4x QSFP28s für 400 Gbit/s
- BittWare-optimiertes OpenCL BSP
Empfohlene Artikel und Videos
5G in the Future connected car: How the new mobile standard makes the vision of connected driving become a reality
According to a study by Ericsson, 15 percent of the world’s population will use the new 5G mobile standard by 2020, and the number of 5G subscriptions will break the 500 million mark in 2022. Forecasts also suggest that more than 1 million new mobile broadband subscribers will be added every day within the next six years – thus adding 2.6 billion subscribers by the end of 2022.
Meeting the challenges of automotive electronic modular connectivity, is your connectivity solution ready?
Yesterday’s transportation applications were relatively straightforward. Today, a new technology paradigm is emerging. Vehicle systems are now connected with complex electronics that drive modularization, with a significant increase in the number of engine compartment systems, HMI, radars and cameras that require multiple printed circuit board (PCB) and flex assemblies. These assemblies require connectors with improved signal integrity for speed and robustness in harsh environments. The latest move in the market is toward integrated, connected sensors, and the need for interconnectivity is creating a massive opportunity for suppliers.
Three Design Challenges Solved by MultiCat™ Power Connectors
Engineers often find themselves choosing between high-power connectors that don’t offer all the features that would be ideal for their designs and are forced to compromise as a result. For instance, if they can’t find a connector that delivers the required current rating in a small package, engineers may settle for a high-current connector that increases their design’s size.
RJ45 Products and the Internet of Things
Registered Jack (RJ) products have come a long way since the 1970s, when they were used primarily for connecting to telephone networks. As technology advanced, RJ45s took on the task of transmitting data. As demand grew for greater data transfers at faster speeds, RJ45 products needed to change to remain relevant in the industry. This led to the creation of magnetic connectors and ports, which include internal magnets to help filter signals and allow for higher speeds.
Altera Arria 10 GX 1150 FPGA
Entdecken Sie die Arria 10 GX Low Profile PCIe-Platine mit QSFP und DDR4 auf einer BittWare-Spider-Plattform
- Bis zu 1150K Logikelemente
- Gen3 PCIe Fester IP-Block
- Bis zu 1,3 TFLOPS Gleitkommaberechnung
Empfohlene Artikel und Videos
5G in the Future connected car: How the new mobile standard makes the vision of connected driving become a reality
According to a study by Ericsson, 15 percent of the world’s population will use the new 5G mobile standard by 2020, and the number of 5G subscriptions will break the 500 million mark in 2022. Forecasts also suggest that more than 1 million new mobile broadband subscribers will be added every day within the next six years – thus adding 2.6 billion subscribers by the end of 2022.
Meeting the challenges of automotive electronic modular connectivity, is your connectivity solution ready?
Yesterday’s transportation applications were relatively straightforward. Today, a new technology paradigm is emerging. Vehicle systems are now connected with complex electronics that drive modularization, with a significant increase in the number of engine compartment systems, HMI, radars and cameras that require multiple printed circuit board (PCB) and flex assemblies. These assemblies require connectors with improved signal integrity for speed and robustness in harsh environments. The latest move in the market is toward integrated, connected sensors, and the need for interconnectivity is creating a massive opportunity for suppliers.
Three Design Challenges Solved by MultiCat™ Power Connectors
Engineers often find themselves choosing between high-power connectors that don’t offer all the features that would be ideal for their designs and are forced to compromise as a result. For instance, if they can’t find a connector that delivers the required current rating in a small package, engineers may settle for a high-current connector that increases their design’s size.
RJ45 Products and the Internet of Things
Registered Jack (RJ) products have come a long way since the 1970s, when they were used primarily for connecting to telephone networks. As technology advanced, RJ45s took on the task of transmitting data. As demand grew for greater data transfers at faster speeds, RJ45 products needed to change to remain relevant in the industry. This led to the creation of magnetic connectors and ports, which include internal magnets to help filter signals and allow for higher speeds.
Vielseitigkeit für jede Branche
Die heutigen FPGAs sind so vielseitig, dass jede Branche, die mit digitalen Daten arbeitet, die Vorteile der Beschleunigung, der Übertragung mit geringer Latenz und der Signalverarbeitung der BittWare-Produktlinie nutzen kann.
- Compute
- Beschleunigung
- Paket-Bearbeitung
- High-Definition
- Kompression
- Verteilung von Inhalten
- Radar/Sonar
- Elektronische Kriegsführung
- Hohe Frequenz
- Handel
- Finanzanalytik
- Datenerfassung und Kontrolle
- Prüfung und Messung
- Biowissenschaften
Empfohlene Artikel und Videos
5G in the Future connected car: How the new mobile standard makes the vision of connected driving become a reality
According to a study by Ericsson, 15 percent of the world’s population will use the new 5G mobile standard by 2020, and the number of 5G subscriptions will break the 500 million mark in 2022. Forecasts also suggest that more than 1 million new mobile broadband subscribers will be added every day within the next six years – thus adding 2.6 billion subscribers by the end of 2022.
Meeting the challenges of automotive electronic modular connectivity, is your connectivity solution ready?
Yesterday’s transportation applications were relatively straightforward. Today, a new technology paradigm is emerging. Vehicle systems are now connected with complex electronics that drive modularization, with a significant increase in the number of engine compartment systems, HMI, radars and cameras that require multiple printed circuit board (PCB) and flex assemblies. These assemblies require connectors with improved signal integrity for speed and robustness in harsh environments. The latest move in the market is toward integrated, connected sensors, and the need for interconnectivity is creating a massive opportunity for suppliers.
Three Design Challenges Solved by MultiCat™ Power Connectors
Engineers often find themselves choosing between high-power connectors that don’t offer all the features that would be ideal for their designs and are forced to compromise as a result. For instance, if they can’t find a connector that delivers the required current rating in a small package, engineers may settle for a high-current connector that increases their design’s size.
RJ45 Products and the Internet of Things
Registered Jack (RJ) products have come a long way since the 1970s, when they were used primarily for connecting to telephone networks. As technology advanced, RJ45s took on the task of transmitting data. As demand grew for greater data transfers at faster speeds, RJ45 products needed to change to remain relevant in the industry. This led to the creation of magnetic connectors and ports, which include internal magnets to help filter signals and allow for higher speeds.