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AI for Industrial Applications
Artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT) have become such broad industry buzzwords today that the nebulous nature of the topic can make it very difficult to understand the relevance of it for your specific needs. The immediate thought when you read about these topics is it’s for the big companies with big budgets.
ARIS-EDGE-Plattform von Arrow beschleunigt die Erstellung von IoT-Endpunkten
Die neue Entwicklungsplattform ARIS EDGE (Arrow Renesas IoT Synergy) von Arrow Electronics ermöglicht es, Niedrigstrom-IoT-Endgeräte wie intelligente Sensoren, Wearables, Kleingeräte, batteriebetriebene medizinische Produkte und andere IoT-Endpunkte schneller zu entwickeln.